Privacy Policy


Welcome to CHUDATS, products and services provided by Modern Advocacy Humanitarian Social and Rehabilitation Association (MAHSRA) and MAHSRA INCORPORATES CO LTD

Your privacy is important to us. This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, store, use, disclose and otherwise process your information when you use the community health database software (CHUDAT), our web portal (CHUDATS.NET) and our mobile and desktop apps (the “Apps”), and all related sites, players, widgets, tools, apps, data, software, APIs and other services provided by CHUDATS (the “Services”). This Privacy Policy applies to any Website, App, or Service that refers to this Privacy Policy, i.e. by linking it to the official CHUDATS.NET domain name.

This Privacy Policy explains the following, amongst other things:

  • Data Controllers
  • Our Privacy Principles
  • The Information We Collect
  • How We Use Your Information
  • How We Share Your Information
  • Information Security
  • Children
  • Data Management
  • Contact Information
  • Changes to this Privacy Policy

Information relating to our use of cookies and other similar, and further incorporated technological novelties will be set out, if not cover within our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service, in the concerned itemized usage policies, and which will still form part of the Privacy Policy. When we refer to the Privacy Policy, we are referring to the User Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy and further other information gathering apps on our online platforms.

Please take some time to read this Privacy Policy, along with our User Agreement or Terms of Service, in order to ensure you understand and are comfortable with our usage and disclosure of your personal information. If you see an undefined term in this Privacy Policy, it has the same meaning given to it in our User Agreement or Terms of Service.

Please note that this Privacy Policy only applies to the Website, Apps, and Services (together,“CHUDATS”). When using our products and services, you may find links to other websites,apps, and services, or tools that enable you to share information with other websites, apps, and services. CHUDATS.NET is not responsible for the privacy practices of these other websites, apps, and services and we recommend that you review the privacy policies of each of these websites, apps, or services before connecting your chudats or “Heal the Sick” account or sharing any personal data.

If you do not agree to any of the provisions of this Privacy Policy, you should not use our platforms. If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, you can contact us at

Data Controllers

When this policy mentions “” “we,” “us,” or “our,” it refers to the chudats’ entity that is responsible for your information under this Privacy Policy (the “Data Controller”).

  • If you are located in Cameroon, the main data controller are Modern Advocacy Humanitarian Social and Rehabilitation Association (MAHSRA) and MAHSRA INCORPORATES LTD;
  • We may share your data within our corporate group of companies that are related by common ownership or control (“Chudats Working Group”) who may process the data of users on our behalf.
Our Privacy Principles

CHUDATS is committed to putting its users first and believes you should know what data we collect about you, why we collect it, and how we use and share it. That’s why we’ve drafted this Privacy Policy to give you simple, clear, and actionable information about our privacy and data protection practices.

Information We Collect

The personal and health institutional information we collect for our platforms and their services fall into three general categories:

  • Information you provide to us
  • Information collected automatically
  • Information we obtain from third parties
Information You Provide

We ask for and collect your personal information or that of your representing party when you apply to use and when you are already using our services.

The information requested includes, at the individual level: your full names, national identification and or official duty status, your age, payment method and verification information, and your full address depending on the level of service your have opted to use; and at the health institutional level: the health structure or institution’s name, its legal status, physical location, geo-location, additional service usage payment method and banking details.

This information is necessary for us to comply with the subscribed health structures or units and in compliance with government policies for citizenship identification and legal existential requisite obligations.

We process this information in light of our legitimate interest in improving our platforms and giving our users the best experience, and where it is necessary for the adequate performance of any contract between us and you, including but not limited to the User Agreement. Without it, we may not be able to provide you with all the requested services and features of our platforms.

Survey Information - If you participate in any survey, you may provide certain personal data as part of your response, unless you respond anonymously.

Information We Collect Automatically

There is certain information that we collect automatically as the result of your use of our platforms. This information generally includes:

  • Usage Information - We collect information about your interactions with our platforms, including the pages that you visit and links you click on, posting a comment, making donations, performing a search, the time, frequency, and duration of your visits to our platforms.
  • Log Data – We automatically collect log information when you use our platforms, even if you have not signed-up for an account or logged in. That information includes, among other things: details about how you’ve used our platforms (including links to third party sites or services), Internet Protocol (IP) address, access times, your browser type and operating system, device information, device event information (e.g., crashes, browser type), and the page you’ve viewed or engaged with before or after using our platforms.
  • Device Information – We collect information from and about the devices you use, including how you interact with our platforms and information about the device itself, such as the hardware model, operating system, IP addresses, cookie information, device settings, mobile carrier information, mobile device and advertising identifiers, apps installed, browser type, language, battery level and time zone. Apple’s iOS Advertising Identifier (IDFA) and Google’s Android Advertising ID are examples of device identifiers. This information allows us to recognise and associate your activity, and provide personalised content for further needs, consistently across all of your devices.
How We Use Your Information

We use the personal information we collect from you, including with the help of automated systems and decision making, for a range of different business purposes according to different legal bases of processing, and subject to the ways you use your account and which assists us to:

  1. Provide, Improve, and develop our platforms
    • Provide, Improve, and develop our platforms
    • Conduct surveys and research, test features in development, and analyse the information we have to evaluate and improve our services, develop new features, and conduct audits and troubleshooting activities.
    • Send you service updates and notifications about your account via email.
  2. Maintain a Safe and Secure Environment
    • Detect and prevent fraud, spam, abuse, security incidents, and other suspicious activity.
    • Verify and authenticate your identity and prevent unauthorised or illegal activity.
    • Enhance the safety and security of our services.
    • Conduct security investigations and risk assessments.
    • Prevent or take action against activities that are, or maybe, in breach of our User Agreement, or applicable law.
    • Provide you with customer and technical support.
  3. Personalise Content, Advertising and Marketing

    We process this information based on your consent.

    • To improve your experience on our platforms by providing personalised service objective content, recommendations, and features.
    • Administer sweepstakes, contests, or other promotional activities or events sponsored or managed by CHUDATS or its partners.
    • Ads and emergency health assistance notifications are more effective when they are shown to people who are likely to be interested in the product or service advertised or the humanitarian situation in question. For this reason, we use the information we collect and receive to help us select which ads or notifications to show you on behalf of needs. This includes information you choose to provide to us (e.g. age and gender) and make available to us when you interact with our platforms. We may also display ads based on the page you’re on or content you have recently viewed or searched. This allows us to show you notifications that will likely be more relevant and interesting to you
    • When we engage third-party services such as ad networks and exchanges that enable us to show you targeted ads, we may also allow them to collect certain information such as cookie data and Device Information. That information is used to synch or match users to segments and serve targeted advertising, including based on device activity, inferred interests, and general location information. We act based on your consent which you may revisit at all times in your settings where and when available.
Sharing of Your Information

This section describes how the information collected or generated through your use of our platforms may be shared by you or by us.

  • With Your Consent – We may disclose your information if you have agreed that we may do so according to our user agreement terms.
  • Humanitarian aid Notification Purposes and advertising – We share the data collected about you, generally in hashed, aggregated, or de-identified forms with humanitarian aid seeking and giving agencies. We also share your information with advertisers and advertising service providers and business partners in order to serve ads based on your interests, and measure the reach and effectiveness of those ads, including whether a user took an action (e.g. commented on further interest needs). We may also share cookie data and device identifiers with service providers for data matching purposes, in order to improve results orientated targeting.
  • Aggregated Data –We may also share aggregated information (information about our users that we render in such a way that it no longer identifies or references an individual user) and other pseudo-information for regulatory compliance, industry and market analysis, demographic profiling, marketing, and advertising, and other healthcare advancement purposes.
  • Third-Party Applications –If you choose to connect your CHUDATS account as well as any of its derivative sub domain accounts to other apps or social networks such as Facebook, you may be sharing certain information with these apps or networks. CHUDATS is not responsible for these other apps or networks, so please make sure you only connect your account with apps or services that you trust.
  • Compliance with Laws – We may disclose your information to courts, law enforcement agencies, and governmental authorities (i) to comply with our legal obligations, (ii) to comply with legal process and to respond to claims asserted against CHUDATS, (iii) to respond to verified requests relating to a criminal investigation or alleged or suspected illegal activity or any other activity that may expose us, you, or any other of our users to legal liability, (iv) to enforce and administer our Terms of Usage and other agreements with users, or (v) to protect the rights, property or personal safety of CHUDATS, its employees, and members of the public.
  • Protecting our Rights – We may disclose your information if we feel this is necessary in order to protect or defend our legitimate rights and interests, or those of our users, employees, directors, officers, or shareholders, and/or to ensure the safety and security of our platforms and/or the entire CHUDATS working group.
  • To Our Affiliates – We may share your personal information within the CHUDATS Working Group in order to make provisions for our platforms and for any other purposes described in this Privacy Policy.
  • Change of Control – We may also share your personal data as part of a sale, merger, or change in control of CHUDATS, or in preparation for any of these events. Any other entity that buys us or part of our business will have the right to continue to use your data, but only in the manner set out in this Privacy Policy unless you agree otherwise.
Information Security

CHUDATS maintain appropriate technical, administrative, and physical safeguards that are designed to prevent unauthorized access, use, or disclosure of personal information we collect or store. This is also to ensure a level of security appropriate to the diverse risks and their severity over the rights and freedoms of natural persons that may be involved with our processing operations. We regularly monitor our systems for possible vulnerabilities and attacks. However, it is not possible to guarantee the security of information transmitted over the Internet. You use our platforms and provide us with information at your own discretion and risk.


We do not knowingly collect any personal information from any person who is under the age of 12, as the case may be, or allow them to register or make payments on our to our attention that we have collected personal data from a person under the age of 12, as applicable, we may delete this information as quickly as possible. If you have reason to believe that we may have collected any such personal data, please notify us immediately at

However, with consent from legal parents or guardians, children as young as from birth can be established unique patient identification codes instituted at the level of the subscribed health unit or structure and that they may use through-out their life-span. This does not derogate from the below 12 years old CHUDATS system user guard that prevents 12 years old and below children from making undue or unauthorised payments in the system.

Data Management
Change or Correct Data
  • Updating of Data within CHUDATS is prioritised at the level of the individually subscribed health units or structures whereby personnel are granted privileges to input and update patient healthcare or medical records, patient health credits, and as well as the health structure’s EMR and EHR.
  • At simple user level, either at the web portal or mobile app level, when and where you cannot update data yourself through an account, you have the right to ask us to correct, change, update or rectify your data.
Data Retention and Deletion
  • We generally retain data for as long as is necessary to provide services to you under your account or, for as long as is necessary to provide our platforms to you as a registered or unregistered user.
  • You have the right to ask us to delete all or some of the personal data we hold about you. If you have an account, you may also delete your account through the Settings at any time as described, if such option has been provided.
  • We may need to retain some of your personal data even after you have closed your account if reasonably necessary to comply with our legal obligations (e.g. under applicable tax or commercial law or to prevent fraud and abuse, and maintain and enhance security). Afterward, we delete the data immediately, unless we need the data until the expiry of the statutory period of limitation for the purpose of providing evidence for civil law claims or because of statutory storage obligations (e.g. for accounting reasons).
Contact Information

If you have questions or complaints about this Privacy Policy or our practices, please contact our Data Protection Service by email at or write to our Data Protection Service at MAHSRA INCORPORATES CO LTD, Commercial Ave, PO Box 1091 – Bamenda, North West Region – Cameroon.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time at our sole discretion. If we make changes to this Privacy Policy, we will post the revised Privacy Policy on our platforms and update the “Last Amended” date below. Please be sure to periodically check this page to ensure that you are aware of any changes to this Privacy Policy. Any material changes to this Privacy Policy will be communicated to registered users by a notification to their account and/or by posting a notice of the change on the Website. Your continued access to or use of our platforms after the effective date of such changes will be subject to the revised Privacy Policy.