About Us

Initially conceived in 2011, CHUDATS has been fully developed as a scalable global healthcare management system for healthcare facilities and patient lifetime medical follow-up, including real-time access to global disease control diagnostics and statistics data management points. Fully developed in 2023 and following recurrent updates, CHUDATS is setting up innovative pathways for unifying healthcare systems, health statistics gathering, and qualitative health personnel management schemes.

CHUDATS key operations are centered within four major networking parameter aspects that manage processes, procedures, actions, and outcomes of health facilities, along with all patient care considerations within and beyond the system, and also target the essentials of the Universal Health Coverage expectations. Key aspects of the system include:


Achieving Operational Efficiency & Optimal Outcomes

Our hybrid ERP system is dedicated to boosting operational efficiency through modern, dynamic technological management parameters that consider the winning interests of all stakeholders and strive to equalize the benefiting opportunities for everyone.

Ease of Management

All processes leading to appointment bookings, EMR, EHR personnel, and program management are made automatic.

Increased Revenue

Both the system's users of health facilities and patients in need are granted the avenue to generate public income to meet their needs

Improved Patient Experience

Identified patients are granted total monitoring, usage control, and ownership of their medical records at all times

Improved Healthcare Delivery Accountability

All processes, procedures, and outcomes in the management of healthcare delivery structures are digitalized and recorded for references and other corrective measures.

Optimum Patient Concern

Assuring reliability and accountability in patient care operations within all healthcare structures and healthcare service delivery processes and procedures

Our Modalities and Types of Offered Patient Care

Donations for the Sick

CHUDATS prioritises vulnerable and needy patients by offering a global donation portal and an opportunity for the public to support the healthcare bills of the unfortunate and sick.

Choice Preferences

The patient is granted the opportunity to choose available doctors or physicians of preference during the consultation booking process.

Digital Healthcare Cards

Unique memory chip-imbedded e-consult cards give the patient the unique opportunity to own and carry along their healthcare records for use only when they so desire.

Medical Reports Enhancements

All medical diagnoses, personnel in charge of patient care, recommendations, and financial involvements are digitalized and saved in the patient’s keeping.

Key Features of CHUDATS

360° Solution

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Tested & Proven

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Highly Scalable

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Ease of Use

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Cost Effective

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Enhanced Security

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Experiencing the Platform

Download Heal the Sick

Click to download the mobile application for CHUDATS and be empowered to own and control your health records, obtain a Healcash wallet, and receive or load Healcoins to make or settle healthcare bills, and/or make donations to support the sick and other hospital and community projects.

Contact details

Hours of Operation
Mon – Fri: 08:00 am – 05:00 pm
Sat: 09:00 am – 03:00 pm

In Case of Emergency Call
(+237) 696061766

To schedule an appointment, please fill out the form below.
